Between Black and White Series
Oil on canvas, 150xm x 100cm (each)

Brave New Drowned world Series, 2023
Oil on canvas, 150xm x 100cm (each)

Somewhere between Night and Day or Day and Night, 2023
Oil on canvas, 210xm x 160cm

Augumented Reality View of Paintings 2021
Oil on canvas

Untitled Planets, 2021
Oil on canvas, 100 cm x 100 cm

Mars, verba non acta (Mars, speak before acting), 2021
Venus, vidi vici veni (Venus, I saw, I conquered, I came) , 2021
Oil on canvas, 200 cm x 150 cm

Wrath, 2021
Oil on canvas, 170 cm x 150 cm

Lust, 2021
Oil on canvas, 170 cm x 150 cm

'Lèche-moi sous la Lune' 2021
Oil on canvas, 200 cm x 150 cm

'Some things weren't meant to be texted' 2021
Oil on canvas, 170 cm x 150 cm

'A Falling Dream' 2020
Oil on canvas, 60 cm x 80 cm

'The creation of a World' 2020
Acrylic and oil on canvas, 135 cm x 144 cm

Virtual delights 2020 (open)
Oil and oil pastel on canvas, 150 cm x 100 cm x 12 cm
Private Collection

'I forgot to update my computer' 2020 (left) 'Time is Funny' 2020 (right)
Silicone, plexiglas, resin, steel, crystals, 100 cm x 80 cm x 30 cm (left)
Acrylic on canvas and plaster, 80 cm x 60 cm x 4 cm (right)

'A Day' 2015
Acrylic over Fabric, 240 cm x 3200 cm

'A connection Issue' 2021
Electronic waste, 300 cm x 200 cm x 300 cm

'UPLOAD YOUR DREAMS' 2019 (outside)
Shipping container and mixed media, 210 cm x 410 cm x 210 cm

'Kassandra' 2018 (Public Sculpture in Ermioni, Greece)
Steel, cement and photoluminescent paint, 320 cm x 150 cm x 150 cm

'My Connection is a Mesh' 2018
E-waste, mesh, 50 cm x 30 cm x 6cm

'Technokirche' 2018
E-waste, mixed media, 170 cm x 200 cm x 400 cm

'A place for Madness and creation' 2018
Installation mixed media and performance, 240 cm x 240 cm x 300 cm

'City of Madness' 2017 (Inside)
Installation with e-waste, sound, mixed media, 200 cm x 220 cm x 195 cm